FLYME OS 6 for Aqua Star Power

Hello everyone here is the updated Flyme OS v6.6.7.15 Custom Rom for Intex Aqua Star Power based on Marshmallow. improved stability and performance with smoothness. Hope you like it. download the rom , link given below.

 Features :
* All Flyme OS Features are Available.
 What’s Working : 
* Ril (Call, Data, SMS) Working
* Dual Sim Card
* Dual Sim 3G Supported
* Wifi
* Hotspot
* Bluetooth
* Data Connection
* 2G/3G Switch
* Ussd
* Mic
* Gps
* Camera
* FM Radio
* Gallery 1080p
* Both Storage Mount (Android+PC)
* Usb Connection, MTP
* Audio
* Video
* Audio Recording
* Video Recording
* Screen Reording
* Offline Charging
* Flash Light
* Pre-Rooted
* And Many More…

 Bugs : 
* Video Recording In Stock Camera (Use 3rd Part App)

Steps to Follow:
  1. Download the ROM and Gapps zips
  2. Copy to SD card.
  3. Reboot to Recovery Mode
  4. Do Factory Reset.
  5. Install Rom and Gapps Zips
  6. Reboot... Done..., 



Flyme team


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